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Below you’ll find a pretty random selection of screen shots showing websites we’ve done over the years. Some may not resize when you click because that was the standard screen shot size back then or just how we saved it at the time.

Over 20 years ago we figured this “Web Design thing” was just a fad, not something that would give us an amazing 25 year Career! Enjoy a peak at some of our History!

Maximizing Biz
LeadWebDesigners 2011
Krupnick Studio
Insurance Toolz
Im A Businessman
Game Lady 2012
Furniture Sarasota 2010
Furniture Sarasota
Furniture Naples
Furniture Caribbean
Expect God
DG Guild
Detroit Party DJ
Commercial Biz Furniture
Condor Security 2
Cal Condor Security
Bainbridge Stock Photos
To Quit Smoking Help
Smarter Dogs 2
Smarter Dogs
Shop Games
RLC Financial